Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I just became a "fan" of my cousin on Facebook. She deleted me and I can't add her as a friend, much less search for her. So I had to become a fan on her fan page to keep up with her. Before you know it, I'm going to see her on ESPN reporting a game. Then I'll say, "Oh yeah. Glad to see she's let her hair grow out. Looks good." Not to mention the rando texts I get from her. When I respond back, I get nothing in return. Facebook...blog...Skype...text...phone...All these ample opportunities to communicate and I'm limited to my responses from her. Kind of ironic.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Truly Tuesday

Setting: My classroom, 1:00 PM, Social Studies/Reading

Audience: My 21 students plus me

What: P.H. reading from the newspaper (mind you, he's a child that has difficulty making certain letter sounds)

P.H.: "In order to get back at the British, the colonists dumped shiploads of tea into the harbor."
S.D.: "OMG! Perry, do you realize what you just said?"
P.H.: "No.."

Catch: P.H. didn't say shipload. He said another word.

My thoughts: "Yes, you could have phrased it that way. So true."

Made me laugh. Happy Tuesday!