Sunday, November 29, 2009

On the first day of December...

My true love gave to me... A kiss goodbye! (I know it's not December quite yet but it's close)

I hate saying goodbye to people in general. I especially hate it when I'm having to tell Josh "adios" every weekend. I REALLY hate it when we spend a long weekend together, like this past weekend and we have to part ways for another week. Distance does make the heart grow fonder.
I also got the chance to see my Pila. She's crazy. I promised her a trip to FL in December. Maybe she'll cook her "delicious" Ranchero Huevos. Actually, I've never had them...never been brave enough to try them. Now, my Papi's eggs--I can eat those up like there is no tomorrow. But none the less, she'll cook up something amazing.

Thanksgiving was fun but busy. Only 3 more weeks till Christmas break...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

He pulled a quick one

This past Saturday my roommate Christina got engaged to her best friend Will. Words cannot express how excited and happy I am for them. I thought something was up because Will had been making comments and giving me strange looks all Saturday morning. When I asked him why he didn't tell me he said because he knew I wouldn't be able to lie to Christina. (Note: She can get ANYTHING out of me. I can't lie to her) So. Saturday afternoon they called me from the lake tell me the big news. They said my voice went up 3 octaves (and I'm sure the neighbors heard me). Will did good keeping it a secret from both us.

So here's to Will and Christina. Congrats guys! I can't wait till we decide where to go for the honeymoon!

(Totally kidding...)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hello November!

Can I tell you how excited I am fall is here?

I am not your typical summer gal. Call me crazy. I mean, I love laying out by the pool and wearing my skirts and flip flops. However, I never feel my best during the summer because I am off for 3 months doing nothing. Some people lose weight because they have more time to exercise. Nope, not me. I gain it because I sleep till 11.

I do love fall and winter. I love that it's cooler! I'm a sucker for gloves, scarves, and hats. And do I need to mention my collection of peacoats? (FYI, I have , cream, red, black, brown, pink/white...and I'm working on a fun orange peacoat) Then just my ordinary jackets. I love wearing my cowboy boots and shuffling around in my Danskos. I don't have to worry about being tanned. And girls, let's be honest, we don't have to shave every day.

The only down fall of fall and winter is recess. It can get quite chilly outside for 30 minutes. Thus, I have decided to break recess in sections--15 minutes at a time. I enjoy the cold but not sitting on the cold hard tables at recess for 30 minutes. Plus, the kids start complaining about how cold it is.

Fall means Gatlinburg trips, mountain trips, and Turkey Day! Winter, is well, special because of Christmas of course, my 2 weeks off, and drum roll birthday!! Except this year, we go back to school on my birthday. I just realized however that that day is a Teacher Workday so at least we will be able to go out to eat that day at school.

I know I'm getting way ahead of myself about fall and winter. But I am just super stoked about the cool weather.

I am NOT excited about me getting sick because the sun can't decide if we wants to stay out and bring warm weather or hide and bring cool weather. Make up your mind sun because one more bottle of cough syrup and I'll be in Rehab.