Sunday, February 3, 2008

Aggrivation to the extreme

Goodness. Talk about aggrivation to the extreme. And frustration. And anger. And hope at the same time.

It has been DRAMA central here at the Castro household. But you know, what's new with that? I have just been so frustrated with dad. It's ridiculous. He's REDONKULOUS (I only use that word when it's horrific). He's taking things where it hurts. I know they are only materialistic things but it's not right.

I honestly have a good piece of mind to show up at his office and just punch the snot of out of him? Can I do that?

I could but I'm not.

I hurt so bad for my mom. I hurt to see her like this. And I hurt for my dad because he's a looney bin!

But I have hope because I know that each day is one day closer to God's peace and grace.

But come Wednesday, it's going to a face to face interaction. Just wait and see.

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