Tuesday, January 12, 2010

P.H. melts my heart

If you've spoken with me at all this past year, you've probably heard of my P.H. (I can't say his name) PH has really pressed some walls with me this year. He's so loud some days that Lisa has to come from her room to quiet him down. He constantly blurts out, yells my name more than any child I've ever met, and makes working in groups difficult.

However, lately he has been a completely different child since Christmas break. Well, not completely different but he is working harder than he used to.

The other day, we were working on a problem in our Math Morning Workbook. The question was What 1/4 of the birds came to the feeder? I asked PH What kind of bird came to the feeder? His response: A hungry bird. They were looking for some food! (but he has trouble pronouncing his "r"s). I just smiled.

And his new years resolutions? Goodbye 2009. It was a great year except I did not do well in math and spelling at all. Hello 2010, I am going to do great in math and spelling this year!

How can you not just melt?

Oh, He eventually got the answer...and yelled it out during review time.

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