Thursday, June 30, 2011

"I Wish I Were a House Wife"

I know I may come off sounding ungrateful at the start of this post but just stay with me.

I love having my summer free. My schedule is as follows.

Wake at 6:30, roll back over til 10 AM. Fix coffee, eat a huge bowl of cereal on the couch, lay around til 12 on the couch watching Dr. Phil (for therapy) and a random movie (today it was The Freedrom Writers). Run the dishwasher, start some laundry, munch, munch, munch. Debate on running errands. Do some more laundry. Take a nap. Josh comes home, then do whatever our energy provides us to do (typically Lowe's).

With that being said, I like being lazy. But I do get lonely. :::sigh::: The life of the lonely "I wish I were a house wife." I use that term loosely. I have tried to throw myself into projects, such as decorating around the house but I only have so much money. I did clean Josh's office--that took all day and I felt reproductive. My future projects include finishing painting the kitchen, paint master bedroom, paint master bath... But who wants to paint by themselves? Not mention the task of Josh and I agreeing on paint colors. (Fingers crossed paint will be bought this weekend).

But anyway, am I considered a house wife? As mom would say, "I'm playing house." Which, I guess I am in a way. And I enjoy being up here with Josh during the summer because during the school year our schedules do not lend us too much time. I guess I need to stop complaining be more productive around the house. I mean it's not like I don't have anything to do. I have plenty to do. It's just getting my motivation in check.

What do you do that motivates you to get stuff done during the summer around the house? What makes you a house wife? Or a house husband? Or a house man/woman?

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