Monday, October 27, 2008

I love fall weather...

But I hate fall recess. Geezie pete it was freezing today. And it wouldn't be that bad except the wind was kicking like crazy. It reminded me that I need to break out the gloves, scarves,!! I know there will be some indoor recess days when it gets super cold. And we know those are always fun.

I had 6 parent teacher conferences today. Talk about a busy day. It was meeting after meeting...I hate conferences though. But we have to do them. At least I'll be done with these until after January. But I still have 2 more to come in, these are going to be so much fun. Do you detect my sarcasim?

I am so tired of subtraction with regrouping. We're just having trouble moving from "group work" to "independent work." Maybe another day or too doing it will help them get it together. Because please, let's move on.

I am so sleepy. It just hit me. Bed please!

I really don't have much else to say. Just killing time and putting off work....of course.

1 comment:

Laura said...

hey! It's good to hear from you. Yeah, I think I am going to get the coat. It will be worth it since we will be living in this frigid place the next 3-4 years. How have you been? How's life? You should come visit us next summer! You and Josh..that would be fun.