Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Random vents

So I need to vent. Here I go.

--School is way overwhelming. I'm seriously considering doing something else. I probably won't because , ha, what else can I do with an elementary education degree? The adminstration has this thought that teachers are God or angels from God (which in some cases we are) but Lord help me, we cannot work miracles. I can't do all of this junk. Have I reflected? HA. No. Have I done my Promethean Charts to my best ability? No. (Sorry Jed but I've already admitted that to you earlier). Hot toe-amighty, I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. And they want me to pursue my masters?? Are they crazy??

Sad part is that I'll actually do all that and more. I am more than ADEPT ready...I'm ADEPT strong with some Protein Lessons mixed in with sleep shaken in there somewhere.

--We're way under paid. Ha. What a joke.

--I think I have a chubby face.

--I hate being a woman. Because sometimes you just don't feel good about yourself.

--I need patience in relationships. and understanding.

--Sometimes I feel like telling people to kiss my mexican butt. But I don't. I smile and say, "ok! Sure! no problem!"

--I do like my new Honda.

--I want COOL weather.

--My air is broke in my classroom. GEEEEEZZZ we're dying in there.


--I want to be more organized. I look at my room and at my classroom and I realize how unorganized I am. I feel like I get it together and then my classroom ends up in chaos because of those stupid scarecrows. (Don't ask if you don't know).

--People above the age of 35 should not take technology training classes because let's face it--they will never get it.

I've just had a typical day. And I needed to vent. Goodnight.

1 comment:

Laura said...

move to St. Louis! I got an 8,000 dollar raise.