Friday, June 5, 2009


Wow. Another year or teaching under my belt. I really cannot believe that this year is done. I know many people say that but geez it feels like just yesterday they were comnig in to register for school.

I made a photostory for my students and their parents. When I was showing it on honor's day I started crying. If anyone knows my class, that person is probably thinking "You cried over those students?" Many times I heard teachers say, "There is a reason that child is in your class because our personalities would NOT click." And it's true--they wouldn't have clicked with that student. But I came to really love these students. I don't know what it was about them. Maybe it's because they got my humor and quick wit. Maybe it was because I saw so many of them really grow up over the year. Maybe it's because they taught me how to be a better teacher in some ways and that it's ok to laugh at the small or big things. I know I can really say with honesty that it has been a great year.

Ok, now that school is done, what am I going to do? For the last 180 days my time has been consumed and revolved around 22 eight year olds. It's almost like empty nest syndrome. Well for starters, I slept in today. Whoo-hoo! And then I fixed me a cup of coffee and enjoyed my waffles. I have some things planned for this summer (working at Sylvan Learning Center and tutoring 2 of my students from this past year). But I have decided to make a LIST.

-Clean CLEAN my room and make my bed daily.
-Give Josie a bath weekly. (Steena is going to love this)
-Garage Yard Sale Hoppin (Mine and Steena's new obsession.)
-Make it to the beach at least 2 times a month.
-Get back to some work out kind of plan
-Save my money.
-Work and reorganize my classroom
-Make a trip to see Heather
-Finish decorating my apartment

I will add things to this list. Any suggestions for what I should do over the summer? What are you doing??

1 comment:

Allison's Blog said...

Visit Me...Should be #1 on your list!!!!!!!!!!!