Wednesday, July 1, 2009


One of the big things I love about summer (and not having another part time job) is that I can spend time with Maveric. Maveric is like my nephew because I have a feeling Jason will not be fathering any kids, any time soon. When I moved to Duncan I cried and cired because I realized how less I would see of him.

Well, every Wednesday this summer I told India I would take care of him because she works on Wednesdays. I'm super excited.

Today is our first day together. So far we have played with toy cars and ate Nutty Butty Bars for breakfast (the Chocolate Peanut Butter Breakfast for Champions). Which the toy cars means "Let's see how many toy cars we can balance on Jessa's head!!" This could be dangerous.

1 comment:

Southern Reflexions said...

Hey Girl...I did not know you had a blog...its is SUPER cute!!! I love the teacher quote you have a couple posts back...I love blogging so I look forward to future posts!! :) ~ Marlie