Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A few pictures...

So I've been around the world it feels like the last 72 hours. I am exhausted from traveling so what I'm going to do right now is just upload some pictures with some captions. And then I'll add detail later. We went to SAN AGUSTIN (like St. Augustine) where Indians lived a long long long time ago. So we saw ancient ruins and other neat little things. So I'll just some pictures up of our adventures of this past week so far.

P.S. Mom, we are alive!! We'll call Thursday when we get back to Medellin :)

This is from the elementary school we visited. I found this picture that Papi took and I liked it.

Me chillin' at Papi's

These were students that were also touring San Agustin. They were in awe that I could speak fluent English but very little Spanish. 3 of the girls followed me on the trail, "trying" to ask questions in English. They were so funny! And one of the girls wanted my address so I have a new pen pal! Later on that day, we went to another historical monument (pictured here) and they were there! Great group of kids!

These are some of the "tombs" that were discovered in San Agustin. Each tomb stood for something by looking at the mask. It was pretty neat. Supposidly there are more tombs and statues to be uncovered but there isn't enough money to uncover them and they're worried that if they dig them up, they're going to be damaged some more and ruin them so right now it's a battle.

This was another sight of ancient Indian ruins. It was discovered in 1985 when a truck got stuck. As they were pulling out the truck and spinning the tires, the tires began to dig a hole and they discovered these tombs, where Indians were buried. They say though, on the surrounding mountains, there are more tombs and places like this except drug lords and kidnappers are using them to hide out, keep hostages, and hide valuables such as gold. Such a shame.

Well, I would add more pictures but the internet is being extremely slow! We leave tomorrow (Thursday morning) for Medellin--thank the Lord!

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