Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Today I conquered the top of the mountain.

Today we rode the metro car (like the subway but above ground) across Medellin's own "St. John's River" as Papi called it. Then we jumped onto a cable car to take to the top of the mountain. They just recently in the last 2 or 3 years made the cable cars to where they can carry people from the top of the mountain to the city part of Medellin. It's so hard to get from the top to the bottom and vice versa so ta-da the cable car!

We also visited a school that Papi's aunt started there. They have 500 children, and only 10 teachers. They have 2 classes each day--a group of students come in the morning, and another group in the afternoon. These children are extremely poor. The children in the morning get fed breakfast and lunch. The children in the afternoon is fed lunch and dinner. These children absolutely warmed my hearts. That little teaching instinct kicked in as soon as we walked into a classroom. "Buenas Tardes!" they would say and stand up at their desk. Very polite. Papi and I talked to a class of 2nd graders--well he did most of the talking obviously. Precious children they are. We visited every grade level and Papi gave mini lessons. He would ask what they were studying. If it was Social Studies, he asked about Colombia's government. If it was English, he reviewed vocabulary with them. We got to a 5 or 6 grade classroom and they were studying body parts and joints--Papi's speciality. We were there a while.

We also visited the Children's Library at the top of the mountain. It's kind of wierd looking because it's a big black building or two on the side of the mountain outside the town. But here, the children and adults can get on the computers, research information, read different books--they're still working on it some on the inside. And they are planning on building more of these buildings throughout the city. Very neat looking. And a good concept.

I'm feeling better today than I have been for the last few days. I definitely had more energy and I slept better last night. I woke up with a coughing fit in the middle of the night which woke Dad up too. So now it's just resulted to coughing a little bit here and there. Thanks for the prayers! We've had 5 people call Papi today checking in on me. I feel loved!

Oh and some things I've noticed around here...
-It's silicone valley down here. WHOA. Watch out. You'll get knocked out.
-Mullets and Rattails are coming back in style. I'll try to snab a picture to post. Quite amusing.
-I'm definitely the most conservitive dressed girl down here. Today I wore Madrix capris and a brown shirt--girls were staring at me. I don't know if it's because I just look that good (kidding) or 80% of my body is covered in clothes. I don't know.

And some random events that have happened
-Dad had a run in with the police. Ha. Not really. Well, literally he did. We were getting over the bus and he was stepping away from the bus and backed into one of the cops on the "crotch rockets." They were in a hurry. It was pretty funny.
-Papi talks to EVERYONE.
-We met a Priest today.
-I found a fun jewelry store that I love. Catalina bought me 2 necklaces with mathing earrings, another pair of earrings, and a bracelet. I'm going back though--it's pretty reasonable. And cute and unique.
-Papi is convinced that I'm going to live here and teach at Colombus, the private elementary school here in Medellin.

And the pictures I've posted on here may be random. I click on a pic from my file to upload, and it ends up uploading some other random picture. But I figured some picture is better than none right? If I can figure out how to fix it, I'll do more later.

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